Cyclone Dust Collector
Cyclone Dust collector are Mechanical Separator using inertia effect & Centrifugal force to separate large dusts and useful particles in industrial applications. Cyclone dustcollectors is an air pollution control equipment used to remove large dust particles from industrial process exhausts. Cyclone Seperator is also same and uses centrifugal forces to collect useful particles in product recovery. Both are one and same, only application differs. The efficiency of Cyclone collectors is high with higher particle size and are normally used as primary collectors in multistage filtration application. In some applications, a properly designed high efficient Cyclone Separator with added filter bags or filter cartridges fitted at exhausts serves as a main collectors.
Cyclone dustcollectors are the most oldest and most widely used and reliable dust collection equipment used across various industries. It has many advantages like low initial costs, Low maintenance costs, Less wearable parts, can work at high temperature applications. Since the performance of cyclone separator depends directly on particle size and weight (Centrifugal forces), a properly sized and designed cyclones, inlet ducting, rotary air locks, and filtering bag and cartridge arrangement at exit will boosts its performance and efficiency in collecting micron sized dust particles. To properly design a safe and efficient cyclone dustcollectors, we consider input factors like dust loading, particle size distribution, input gas temperature and pressure, corrosive, abrasive, explosive and sticky nature of dusts, plugging and electro static nature of dusts, moisture content etc.